Jill and Matt's Indecisiveness

Go Figure!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

New York Wedding Shower and Wine Tour

For Memorial Day weekend we traveled back to my home in upstate NY. On Saturday the ladies had a shower while the gentlemen went to the race track.

For those that didn't make it, here are some pics from the shower and the shopping trip that followed:

Jill and Matt Jeopardy

Thank you Judy!

Ooo la la!!

Joc and Jilly

That's hot.

Amy knows style.

The sloppy mannequin.

Here are some pics from later that day

Our two Dads! Thanks for everything Dads!

Kickin' it in the kitchen.

And now for Sundays wine tour! We visited three wineries along Keuka Lake.
First was Dr. Franks's...

Damion and Joc at Dr. Franks

Next up was Bully Hill. If you're in the area I would suggest skipping this place, unless you like the sweet stuff.

Big D & Little Joe

The wine sucked, but the chairs were comfy!

And Finally, we stopped by Heron Hill. This was far and away the best... highly recommended.

The ladies in between tastings

And a great view!

Joe sent these pictures from the late night good times...

If you have any other pictures from this weekend that you think I should add email us at jill_and_matt@hotmail.com.

We had a great time and hope you did too. Thanks for coming!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the record - - there is no Jill & Matt Jeopardy - the game was Jill & Matt Harmony!

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend just made me even more excited to get on with the wedding! It was truly a celebration of two loving people who are surrounded by people who love them. A good time will be had by all. Thank you all!

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed the Russian- IN THE HIZOUSE

4:11 PM  

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