Jill and Matt's Indecisiveness

Go Figure!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Summer Harvest

This is a sampling of what we've been taking from the garden this season. The zucchini weighed 3 and a half pounds. With it we made dinner, gave the zucchini pancakes a shot (thanks Natalie!), two loaves of bread, and we still have a nub leftover to snack on!

Spelunking at Rumbling Bald

My buddy Ben and I in a cave about 45 minutes out of Ashevillle.

End of summer

"We're going to Mammoth Cave National Park."


Flag Day '07

Jill and I went home this summer to visit with the Family, and our good buds Greg and Joe. We went to Keuka Lake - enjoyed the local wineries and threw some ladders on the holiday for true patriots, Flag Day.